Queen’s Birthday honours bestowed on three Tasmania Police officers

Queen’s Birthday Honours will be bestowed on three Tasmania Police officers today, in recognition of their outstanding contribution to policing.

Recognising commendable service to policing, and outstanding contribution to the COVID-19 pandemic, Commander Robert Blackwood is awarded the Australian Police Medal and Inspector Jim Semmens the Australian Police Medal (COVID-related Services).

In expressing his congratulations, Commissioner Hine said:

“On behalf of Tasmania Police, I congratulate Commander Robert Blackwood and Inspector Jim Semmens on being recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours today.

“With a wealth of policing expertise, the outstanding judgement, calm manner, and critical thinking skills demonstrated by both Commander Blackwood and Inspector Semmens during the COVID-19 pandemic has been exceptional.

“The commendable service and professionalism of both Commander Blackwood and Inspector Semmens makes them outstanding representatives of Tasmania Police, and worthy recipients of the Australian Police Medal.”

In recognition of his leadership and service excellence to the public throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Commissioner Darren Hine is awarded the Public Service Medal in the Queen’s Birthday Honours today.

“I am honoured to be personally recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours today, and I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the extraordinary contribution of everyone involved in keeping Tasmanians safe through the threat of COVID-19,” said Commissioner Hine.

“I thank every member of Tasmania Police, and more broadly everyone involved in the whole-of-government response to the pandemic, for the adaptability, flexibility and strategic expertise shown, in what were unprecedented circumstances, managing Tasmania’s response to the pandemic.”