Queen’s Birthday Honours

His reputation precedes him and many people who have been rescued by Inspector Stuart Scott will applaud his recognition in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

Serving Tasmania Police for 37 years, Inspector Scott began as a Junior Constable in 1976.

Inspector Scott’s capacity to take on new roles has served him and the service well. His career has included notable stints within District Support Services in Launceston and Hobart where his passion for social reform has seen positive differences made in multi-agency liaison and Public Order. 

“By far and away the most rewarding thing about working for Tasmania Police is working as part of effective teams,” said Inspector Scott.

“It is something I feel we do really well, especially in areas like Search and Rescue, Uniform Divisions and Community Partnerships – for me that is where the real rewards are,” he said.

Inspector Scott is possibly better known for his work within Search and Rescue, combining his passion for outdoor activities and wilderness adventure with skills and experience.

“I’ve had a good time… haven’t I?” he said.

He was commended by the Royal Human Society for saving a woman who fell into the Derwent River on the 28th March 1979 at Franklin Wharf.  He received a commendation from the Commissioner of Police for courage, professionalism and devotion to duty in relation to the rescue of an injured walker from the slopes of Mt Anne, Tasmania, in 1991.

The Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine, acknowledged Inspector Scott’s outstanding service.

“Throughout Inspector Scott’s career he has received a number of commendations and reports of recognition, these have all had a recurring themes of courage, perseverance and professionalism,” Mr Hine said.

“He has consistently shown loyalty and dedication in the performance of his duties coupled with a strong work ethic and desire to make a positive difference.

“Having not always chosen the easy or popular path Inspector Scott has maintained his course with a strong sense of what he felt was right, combined with his considered opinion, appropriate forethought and respect.

“It is this path which has earned him the respect of his colleagues and all who have worked with him,” he said.