Purse Snatching – Supermarket – Crime Prevention Initiative

On Thursday, 13 October 2016, Wynyard Police charged a 61 year old male with stealing after being caught in a local supermarket snatching handbags and purses from female customers.

The male had stolen one purse and was attempting to steal a second purse from an elderly customer when he was intercepted by police.

The unassuming male was preying on female customers that had momentarily left their valuables unattended while selecting items from shelves.

Acting Sergeant Scott Poke said “Much like the ‘lock it or lose it’ message concerning motor vehicles, Tasmania Police urge all customers to be protective with their property in public stores. Criminals will reprehensively prey on shopping trolleys left momentarily unattended – preventing crime is a task we can all have a hand in”.

The male was charged and banned from visiting the supermarket chain.

He will appear in court at a later date.