Provisional driver detected 175kph Bass Highway

On the evening of Monday 20 April 2015 officers from Northern Road and Public Order Services intercepted a motor vehicle on the Bass Highway near the South Esk River Hadspen.

The vehicle had been recorded on a hand-held speed detection device as travelling at 175kph in a 110 zone.

The 19 year old male driver from Launceston was the holder of a Provisional Licence. He will face court, at a later date and the vehicle he was driving was clamped.

“This type of reckless and dangerous driving behaviour is a disgrace and puts all road users at an unacceptable risk,” said Acting Inspector Craig Fox.

“Police would like to remind drivers that excessive speeding can result in the driver being disqualified from driving, substantial fines and the offending vehicle potentially being confiscated,” he said.

If anyone witnesses dangerous driving on Tasmanian Roads they are urged to report the details of the offending vehicle to Police on 131 444.