Provisional Driver caught driving at 165kmh on Bass Highway

Provisional licence holder detected driving at 165km/h on the Bass Highway, Leith.

At approximately 0110hrs on Saturday 23rd August 2014 police detected a vehicle travelling at 165 km/h on the Bass Highway at Leith heading east towards Turners Beach.

The vehicle was safely intercepted and the driver, a 19 year old first year provisional licence holder was spoken to in relation to his driving.

He was arrested and conveyed to the Ulverstone police station where he was charged with a number of traffic offences and bailed to appear in court at a later date.

His vehicle was subsequently clamped for a period of 28 days.

Police are disappointed that in driving at such an excessive speed the driver showed little regard for his own safety and that of other road users. Police reiterate that drivers must drive to the road conditions and within the applicable speed limits.