Protest at veneer ship in Hobart

At 4.30am on Wednesday 17 August five people attempted to unlawfully board the vessel “Matsusaka” at Macquarie No.3 Wharf.

The vessel was loading veneer timber on behalf of TA ANN.

Police were notified when Port Control observed a small inflatable dinghy travelling towards the vessel.  The ship's walkway was raised and the five protesters climbed onto the wharf and were met by waiting police.

Four men and one woman will be proceeded against by summons for attempted trespass. 

The dinghy used to convey the group to the ship was located at a Rosny boat ramp.  The three people (one man and two women) in the dinghy will be proceeded against by summons for aiding Trespass.  Investigations are continuing in relation to possible marine offences.

Tasmania Police Media and Communications
(03) 6230 2296