Project Booyah donates chicken coop to Brightside Farm Sanctuary

Project Booyah Huonville will today donate a chicken coop built as part of a construction project to local animal rescue farm, Brightside Farm Sanctuary.

Nine teenagers aged between 15 and 16 from the current Huonville Project Booyah program recently completed a construction project led by community engagement staff from Bunnings Warehouse Kingston. The group worked together over five sessions to build a chicken coop measuring 2 metres by 5 metres from a plan designed by one of the staff members. All materials, equipment and staffing where donated by Bunnings Warehouse.

“Brightside Farm Sanctuary was chosen as the recipient of the chicken coop as the group appreciate what they do for the animals,” said Senior Constable Stephen Rose, Huonville PCYC club officer.

“The team have done a great job building the coop and they should be very proud of themselves. Many of them have never held a tool before so it was great seeing them learn a new skill which could be used again in the future.”

“I would also like to thank Bunnings Warehouse Kingston for providing all the material and resources needed to complete this project.”

Project Booyah is a 20-week program overseen by PCYC Tasmania, with support from Tasmania Police, TasTafe and Save the Children Tasmania. The program is aimed at ‘at-risk’ youth aged between 16 and 19 and is designed to provide participants with an opportunity to re-engage with education and create pathways into employment.

Participants engage in community projects, functional numeracy and literacy support, skill development and adventure based learning with the aim of developing life skills and improving mental, physical and social wellbeing.