Port Davey search update

A Tasmania Police search and rescue ground party spent today scouring the shores of Point Lucy in the operation to find the two missing fishermen.

A tender from the PV Vigilant was able to enter the gulch where the men’s overturned dinghy was found on Monday.  The crew was able to recover two cray pots believed to be from the men’s crayfishing vessel, Kristy Lee.

Police Westpac Rescue Helicopter continued to search the shore from the air, while the PV Vigilant searched the waters of Port Davey.

Also today, members of the fishermen’s families were flown to Port Davey so they were able to see the search area.

“We understand this is an extremely difficult time for the families, and it is important they are given the opportunity to see where their loved ones went missing and the efforts to find them,” said Inspector Stuart Scott.

The search will continue tomorrow, with a dive team on board the PV Van Dieman due to leave Strahan in the morning.  The Van Dieman will replace the Vigilant in the search.  The weather on the west coast has so far prevented the use of police divers; it is hoped they may be able to dive tomorrow afternoon