Port Davey medical evacuation
At approximately 8:30am on Tuesday 11 January Tasmania Police were notified of a seriously ill man on a commercial fishing vessel off south west Tasmania.
The 41 year old man aboard the vessel “Rita James” had developed serious stomach cramps and required urgent evacuation.
With the assistance of an Ambulance Tasmania Intensive Care Paramedic the Westpac Police Rescue Helicopter was deployed. Due to poor weather consisting of very low cloud and rain the helicopter had to fly coastal via the D’Entrecasteaux Channel and the Maatsuyker Group islands.
The “Rita James” went into SpainBay at the south eastern end of Port Davey, and the helicopter was able to land nearby. The man was then brought ashore by aluminium tender and assisted into the helicopter before being flown to the Royal Hobart Hospital.
Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296