Police working with the north west community
Police have had significant coverage of the roads and highways in the Western District today.
“We are using a variety of ways to engage with the community, including static traffic checkpoints sites and covert and marked police vehicle patrols and intercepts,” said Acting Commander, Stuart Wilkinson.
“Using mobile patrols throughout the division, we are getting the best coverage of the north west communities and engaging with a large section of the community,” he said.
Twenty police vehicles and forty officers are dedicated to patrols and intercepts today. General duties officers have also joined the compliance activity when not called to attend incidents.
There has been concentrated coverage of the Frankford, Bass and Lyell Highways today, along with suburban streets and central business districts.
“More than three hundred vehicles have been stopped in the past 24 hours, and police have spoken to the occupants about their reasons for leaving home,” said A/Commander Wilkinson.
“Police are working with the community. The feedback from officers is that overwhelmingly people are trying to do the right thing.
“Officers are asking people to consider whether their activities are necessary – and advising them to return home if that’s not the case,” said A/Commander Stuart Wilkinson.
“We are providing a visible reminder to the community that we are there to help them and to enforce the restrictions. Where there is blatant disregard we will be proceeding against those people.”