Police urge motorists to slow down after P Plate drivers detected high range speeding

Police are urging all drivers – particularly P Platers – to slow down and obey the speed limit after two Provisional Drivers were intercepted speeding more than 40km/h above the limit in north-west Tasmania yesterday. 

“Police intercepted and charged two drivers for exceeding the speed limit by more than 40km/h in north-west Tasmania yesterday,” said Acting Inspector Martin Parker.  

A 17-year-old male P1 driver was detected on Nicholls Street at Devonport at 10.54am speeding at 97km/h in the 50km/h zone. The driver was issued a fine of $1,121, 4-months licence disqualification, and 6 demerit points. 

A 21-year-old male P2 driver was detected on Belvoir Road, Guildford at 11.25am speeding at 144km/h in the 100km/h zone. The driver was issued a fine of $825, 3-months licence disqualification, and 6 demerit points. The P2 driver was also failing to display the their green P plate as required and was issued an additional fine of $97, and 2 demerit points.    

“Concerningly, both these motorists were Provisional Driver Licence holders – their speed, combined with their inexperience on the roads – could have had fatal consequences.” 

“Thankfully this dangerous and unacceptable driving yesterday did not have tragic consequences.” 

“During National Road Safety Week this week, and beyond, I urge all motorists to slow down and obey the speed limit.” 

“This year we’ve already had eight people lose their lives in crashes on our roads – we don’t want anyone to be added to this number.”