Police target arsonists

Since the 1 July 2010, fifteen houses on the Eastern Shore of Hobart have been the target of arsonists. Ten of these houses were rental properties owned by Housing Tasmania. These house fires have occurred at Rokeby, Clarendon Vale, Bridgewater and Gagebrook.

At approximately 1am on Tuesday 2 November 2010, the Housing Tasmania unit at 1/92 Rockingham Drive, Clarendon Vale was damaged by a deliberately lit fire, estimated to have caused about $80,000 damage.

In an initiative to determine who was responsible for this and other house fires, Housing Tasmania is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for your arson information.

Members of the public can contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 to provide information either anonymously or by leaving your contact details.

Since the 1 July 2010, investigators at the Eastern District Criminal Investigation Branch have resolved nine deliberately lit house fires by apprehending the persons responsible. In relation to one house fire, a person received $6,500 for information that resulted in a person being convicted of arson and who received a custodial sentence.

Investigators are seeking information from members of the public in relation to deliberately lit house fires, regardless of how insignificant the information may appear. These types of fires cost everyone; they reduce Housing Tasmania’s capacity to provide houses and puts lives at risk. 

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296