Police seek assistance to find mother
A coronial inquiry has commenced into the discovery of the remains of a baby girl located
in a wooded park in Kingston on Monday morning 17 October 2011.
The remains were located in the park bordered by Willow Avenue and Hawthorn Drive in
the Maranoa area.
The mother may have given birth in the park, or nearby, up to two weeks ago.
A white plastic bag with red pull ties was also located by police. The bag may jog
someone’s memory.
Kingston and Hobart CIB officers are looking into the death firstly to identify the parents of
the child and secondly the circumstances of the death.
It is likely the baby’s mother will require professional welfare and medical support and that
is the primary focus of the police inquiry.
It is possible that the parents may have previously come to the attention of the medical,
education, health and community assistance sectors, and Police are seeking their
assistance to help identify the mother of the baby.
If anyone knows and has concerns for the welfare of someone who was carrying a child to
full term, due in early October, please notify police.
Police would also like to hear from anyone who may be able to identify a person they
suspect may have been concealing a pregnancy, or even rumours of such.
Information should be telephoned to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or the nearest
police station if this is not convenient, particularly in country areas.
Information will be treated confidentially and with sensitivity.