Police rostering provisions

Tasmania Police will meet the Police Association to discuss the application of a clause in the Police Award regarding roster changes.

The Unforeseeable Circumstances clause is invoked when emergency circumstances require immediate and flexible deployment of human resources. 

It allows roster changes to be made at short notice without incurring the double time entitlement for the change.

The clause does not affect any penalty payment for overtime.

The Unforeseeable Circumstances clause was used for the first time during the response to the Dunalley fire; there was agreement from the PAT that it was appropriate in the circumstances.

The clause only applies to rostering changes and can only be invoked in emergency incidents; it does not apply to normal policing situations.

While the clause was invoked for the Molesworth fire, it was not required as the emergency situation did not escalate.

Discussions will be held with the PAT to develop agreed parameters for the application of this clause in the future.


Phil Wilkinson