Police recruit graduation course

Today 44 new police constables graduated from the Tasmania Police Academy after completing a demanding 35 week police recruit course.

The newly graduated constables will be posted around the state, with four Constables posted to Burnie, five to Devonport and 11 to Launceston.  Twenty four new Constables will begin their policing career in Hobart. 

“This recruit course is one of the largest ever managed by Tasmania Police.  The standard of the constables, bolstered by the quality training they have received, makes them a valuable addition to the police service and an asset to the Tasmanian community,” said the Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine.

The graduating constables came to Tasmania Police from widely varying backgrounds.

Thirty seven year old Constable Erin Duffy, from Launceston, joined Tasmania Police after a distinguished career in the Australian Defence Force, where she rose to the rank of Captain.  Proving her versatility, Constable Duffy has been awarded ‘Dux’ of the graduating recruit course, the Mystate Financial Award for the highest achiever in the area of communications, and the Healthy Business Physical Training Award.  Constable Duffy, who is married with 3 young children, has been transferred to Launceston.

Twenty year old Constable Joshua Tringrove, from Hobart, joined Tasmania Police after being a participant in the Junior Constable Police College Program (JCPCP) during 2008-2009 whilst studying at Rosny College. Constable Tringrove is the recipient of an RBF Scholarship to assist him complete his tertiary studies, and the Commanders Award for Course 2/2010.   He has been transferred to Hobart.

Tasmania Police’s operational strength is 1222 following today’s graduation.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296