Police officer to be reinstated

The Police Review Board has directed the reinstatement of a police officer who was dismissed from the Police Service after recording an alcohol reading of 0.232 following an off-duty car crash.

The Board is an independent statutory body established under the Police Service Act 2003.  The Board's functions include determining applications for review in respect to termination of employment.

The employment of the Senior Constable was terminated in February 2012 after reference to the Indicative Sanctions Framework.  The Framework was implemented in August 2011 to provide officers a clearer indication as to what to expect in terms of disciplinary action if they are detected drink driving.

“The Indicative Sanctions Framework reinforces that there is a high expectation that police officers will comply with road safety laws both on and off duty, given their role in enforcing these laws,” said the Deputy Commissioner, Scott Tilyard.

Whilst the Board was supportive of the Indicative Sanctions Framework, it was of the view that a fair and just appraisal of the applicant's position and the circumstances of the case do not require that he be dismissed from the Police Service.

The direction by the Board to reinstate includes that the officer's salary level be reduced, backdated to 27 February 2012, and that he remain at the reduced level for two years from that date, and that he not wear the Commissioner's Medal or any insignia indicative of his holding that decoration until after 26 February 2014.

"We must accept the Board's determination as the independent umpire in such matters, and are in the process of identifying a suitable position so that the officer can resume duty as soon as possible," said Mr Tilyard.

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