Police investigate deliberate grass fire at George Town

Fire scene examiners from Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) have determined the scrub fire at George Town on 2 January to have been deliberately lit. Police have commenced an investigation.

The fire was reported at around 2pm in Blue Gum Park, which houses numerous sporting and recreational grounds and facilities.

It is believed to have been deliberately started in a small area of bush between a dog exercise area and the archery field, adjacent to George Street.

Police would like to speak with anyone who may know the identity of a man on an unregistered trail bike seen in the area of Quinn Avenue and Margeurite Street just before 2pm yesterday.

Police would also like to speak with a group of four boys who were seen riding their BMX bikes in the park at around 1pm before the fire.

Any information can be passed on to George Town Police, or anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or online at crimestopperstas.com.au.