Police appeal for information to school burglaries
Police are appealing for information in relation to a number of stealing offences that have occurred recently on school properties in the greater Hobart area.
Police investigation finalised
Police have finalised the investigation into the death of a woman whose body was found in a car.
Business Burglaries – North West Coast
Police are investigating a number of business premise burglaries which have occurred within the past fortnight where offenders have targeted cigarettes.
New Tasmania Police website
Tasmania Police has launched a new community and media friendly website.
Witnesses sought to Devonport crash
Police are seeking witnesses to a two vehicle crash in Devonport on Friday 2 July at 11:18pm, at the intersection of Formby Road and Best Street.
Stolen motor vehicles – Kingborough
In recent weeks there has been an increase in the number of motor vehicles being stolen in the Kingborough municipality, particularly in the Kingston, Kingston Beach, Blackmans Bay and Taroona areas.
Newspaper claims wrong
Tasmania Police today rejected claims in The Examiner relating to the sinking of the PV Karie.
Shoreline Shopping Centre burglary
In the early hours of Thursday July 1 2010, the Shoreline Shopping Centre at Howrah was unlawfully entered.
Apprehension of alleged offender for attempted murder
At approximately 1pm on the 29 May 2010, an altercation occurred at Gagebrook and resulted in a 36 year old man being injured by the discharge of a firearm. There were two male offenders.
Witness sought to assault, Launceston
Police are seeking witnesses to a serious assault which occurred at about 3am on Saturday the 19th June 2010 on the corner of George and Paterson Streets, Launceston.