High speed on the Bowen Bridge
Police have detected a vehicle travelling at 142km/h in an 80km/h zone earlier today during a high visibility operation targetting speed.
Arrest – Lebrina incident
Police have arrest a Ravenswood man in relation to motor vehicle stealing and house and business burglaries in the Launceston and George Town areas.
Prohibited wildlife seized
On Tuesday the 31st August 2010 officers from the Bridgewater Police Station seized a prohibited animal – an Eastern long necked freshwater turtle.
Firearms seizure
On Wednesday 25 August 2010 officers from Western Drug Investigation Services and Devonport CIB conducted two searches in the Ulverstone area which resulted in the seizure of 26 firearms and a large amount of ammunition.
Man charged over North-West burglaries
On Friday the 27th of August 2010, Police interviewed and charged a 38 year old man with burglaries in the Devonport and Burnie areas.
Hobart CBD robbery
Hobart CIB is investigating the report of a robbery committed upon an elderly patron at the Hobart Mid City in Bathurst Street.
Request for witnesses
Information is sought from the public in relation to a single vehicle crash that occurred on Sandfly Road at Sandfly.
Search for person in a stolen motor vehicle
This morning a stolen motor vehicle was observed by police in the North East area of the State.
Somerset man charged
A 44-year-old Somerset man has been charged in relation to an incident at Ocean Vista on 5th…
Arson – Rokeby
On the 24 August 2010 Detectives from the Eastern district CIB Icarus taskforce interviewed two youths following a fire at Benroyd Circle, Rokeby.