Attempted armed robbery, Devonport
At about 2:03pm on Sunday 24 October 2010, a man entered the BP Service Station on William Street, Devonport.
Pedestrian death
The pedestrian who was critically injured on the 4th October 2010 in Raglan Street Somerset has died.
Trevallyn speeding concern
Police are concerned at the number of motorists speeding on Trevallyn Road, Trevallyn.
Emergency Alert test – Cremorne area
A trial of a new telephone-based emergency warning system, Emergency Alert, will be held in the Cremorne area on the evening of Monday, 25 October, 2010.
Home burglaries – Northern district
Launceston CIB is investigating a series of home burglaries that have occurred in Northern Tasmania during the past six weeks.
Dirt bike traffic offences
Tasmania Police are currently investigating a matter involving two dirt bikes that were ridden around the Launceston CBD on the evening of 19 October.
Man rescued from the Forth River
At 5:20pm on Tuesday 19 October 2010, emergency services were called to a single vehicle crash on the Forth Bridge.
Tasmanians continue to feel the safest in the nation
Tasmanians continue to feel the safest in the nation and hold a high level of confidence in Tasmania Police, according to a national survey on policing.
Hobart Show traffic management
Police advise of the following arrangements in relation to traffic for the Hobart Show from Wednesday October 20 to Saturday October 23.
Helicopter rescue from Lake Pedder
Approximately 9.41am Aussar advised Tasmania Police of an EPIRB activation in the area of Mount Anne, near Lake Pedder.