Operation AUSTRANS
Heavy vehicle roadworthiness and driver behaviour are the focus of a road safety campaign by Tasmania Police this week. Operation AUSTRANS is a national road safety operation aimed at the policing of heavy vehicles.
House fire at Rocherlea
Tasmania Police and the Tasmania Fire Service responded to a house fire in Reservoir Road at 4.20 a.m this morning.
Crime spree charges
A combined operation between Detectives from Eastern, Kingston and Hobart CIB resulted in the arrest of three men.
Man to appear in court over hoax call
A 32 year old Eastern Shore man was today interviewed by detectives in respect to making a false radio transmission.
Man charged over vehicle damage
Police have charged a 20 year old Waverley man in relation to the recent spate of motor vehicle damage in Launceston suburbs.
Pedestrian hit in Launceston
A 36 year old female pedestrian from Longford was hit by a vehicle as she was crossing Cimitiere Street.
Four men face stealing and burglary charges
On Friday 13 May 2011, members of Devonport CIB, Western Drug Investigation Services and Burnie CIB, charged four men from Burnie with various offences in relation to two significant business burglaries in the Western District committed during early May 2011.
Suspicious fire in Campbell Town
Police would like to hear from witnesses who may have seen someone in or near the Hooked Cafe in Campbell Town in the early hours of this morning.
Operation Unite
Operation Unite: A Blitz on Drunken Violence continued in entertainment precincts around Tasmania on Saturday night.
Fatal crash at Enduro event
At approximately 1.00pm on 15 May 2011 a fatal accident occurred involving a 26 year old male competitor.