Dangerous Driving
A 35-year old Howrah man is in custody following an incident in Hobart early on Sunday morning.
Fatal Crash
At approximately 11.35am on 4th June, Queenstown police were notified of a single motor vehicle crash on Anthony Link Road, Queenstown.
New Town house fire – Swanston Street
Hobart detectives are seeing public assistance in relation to a house fire which occurred in Swanston Steet on Tuesday
Pizza driver robbed
At about 9pm on Sunday 29 May a pizza delivery driver from Burnie Dominos was robbed.
Arson charges
Police have charged a 51 year old man with arson following a fire at Mangalore.
Search for escapee
About 10:10am on Friday 27 May 2011, a 17 year old detainee from the Ashley Youth Detention escaped from custody after receiving treatment at the Launceston General Hospital.
New forensic equipment
The latest technologies now available at Tasmania’s forensic science laborabory are proving valuable in assisting Tasmania Police in the investigation of crime.
Fatal crash on the Bass Highway
At about 6.30pm on Saturday 28May 2011, a two vehicle fatal crash occurred on the Bass Highway.
Ashley detainee found
On Friday night Police found a youth who had escaped from private security personnel at the Launceston General Hospital.
Student robberies
Hobart Criminal Investigation Branch has been investigating two robberies committed upon UTAS students.