Port Arthur images on the internet
Tasmania Police has contacted internet service providers to request the removal of the video containing graphic images taken after the Port Arthur shooting in 1996.
Armed Robbery Smithton
A male, in possession of a large knife, threatened staff and requested cash from the til of the ‘Stroll Inn’ Milk Bar, Smithton yesterday evening.
Bridport search update
Tasmania Police divers will today search the area near Forester Rocks, north of Bridport, for missing fisherman Donald Campbell.
Aggravated Armed Robbery – Mowbray Hotel
At about 9.15pm Tuesday 26 July 2011, two males entered the Mowbray Hotel Gaming Room and robbed the gaming attendant at knifepoint.
Suspicious fire – Ulverstone
Police are investigating a suspicious fire that occurred in the toilet block at Legion Park, Ulverstone.
Investigations into Munnings disappearance continue
Tasmania Police continue to investigate the disappearance of Helen Munnings, who was last seen on the Bass Highway in Burnie on 23 July 2008.
Bridport search
Police continue the search for a 70-year-old Bridport man after the discovery of his fibreglass runabout yesterday.
Search for missing man Damian Seabourne
Police are continuing their search for missing Strathblane man Damian Seabourne.
Prison escapee apprehended
The Hayes Prison Farm escapee, Paul Frazer Catto, surrendered himself to police at 2.30pm today.
Graffiti offenders caught
As a result of investigations undertaken by the Kingston Police, two males aged 16 and 18 years were identified in connection with approximately 200 acts of graffiti in the Kingston area.