How to avoid footy final disappointment
The joy of seeing your team win the grand final could be quashed by being killed or seriously injured in a car crash. Police will be conducting random breath testing operations at different times during the month of September.
Additional arson charge
Another person has been charged in relation to a fire at Gangell Place, Herdsmans Cove.
Arson charges
On Saturday 10 September 2011, Tasmania Police and Tasmania Fire Service (TFS )responded to a fire at Gangell Place, Herdsmans Cove.
Medivacs, Cooks Beach and Ellendale
The Westpac Police Rescue Helicopter was involved in two medivacs last night.
Medivac, Surges Bay
The Westpac Police Rescue Helicopter has been used in a medivac of a diver from Surges Bay in the south of the State.
Serious crash, Wilmot Road, Forth
At about 7:20am this morning, a serious two vehicle crash occurred on Wilmot Road, about 20 kilometres south of Forth.
Robbery at Black Stallion Hotel
At about 8.15pm on Monday September 5, a man armed with a weapon entered the Black Stallion Hotel at Rocherlea.
Gunns protest
Two people have been arrested after a protest at Long Reach this morning.
Invermay robbery, Tote
About 6.15pm on Wednesday the 31st of August 2011, a male, armed with a knife, entered the Tote on Invermay Road in Invermay.
Arson charges
Police have charged a 19 year old man with arson in relationto a house fire in Ravenswood.