Identity Sought
Police wish to speak to two women who may be able to assist them with enquiries in relation to an assault that occurred at the Shell service station,Elizabeth Street, Hobart on Friday 13th April 2012.
Damage to St Virgils and Claremont Colleges
Police would like to speak to two people pictured below, who may be able to provide information in relation to some damage incidents in Southern Tasmania.
House fire Riana
Approximately 9am on 2nd of May 2012 Police and Fire Services were called to attend a house fire at Jansens Road in Riana.
Vehicle Forfeitures
Laws designed to remove dangerous drivers from Tasmania’s roads have resulted in the clamping, confiscation or forfeiture of more than 1,800 vehicles. Since 2009, 35 vehicles have been permanently forfeited, of those, 15 vehicles have been crushed.
Vehicle forfeitures
Laws designed to remove dangerous drivers from Tasmania’s roads have resulted in the clamping, confiscation or forfeiture of more than 1800 vehicles.
Robbery charges
At about 12:30am on Tuesday 1 May 2012 three people forced entry to the Bushy Park Roadhouse.
High Speeds Detected
Police are hoping that a number of high speed vehicle detections in the Western District over the past few days are an anomaly as opposed to a shift towards foolhardy driver behaviour.
Launceston City Council & Tasmania Police tackle graffiti
Since March a police taskforce targeting graffiti offences has been operating in the Launceston area. On 28 March taskforce members located two youths, aged 16 and 17, in possession of graffiti equipment in the Kings Meadows shopping precinct.
Stolen cars, Exeter
Further information in relation to the stealing of cars from a business on Main Road, Exeter overnight between 28 April – 29 April 2012. Offender/s have gained entry to the rear yard of Keltys Bodyworks overnight on Saturday 28 April 2012. Access was gained to a locked compound. Both vehicles were parked next to each…
Charges over assault at Bellerive
At about 8.45pm on Saturday 28th April 2012 three females have forced their way into a unit at Bellerive.