Aggravated Assault, Invermay
At 5am Wednesday 5 September 2012 police were called to a unit in Invermay Road, Invermay where a man had been seriously assaulted.
Injured and killed Dogs, Claremont
Police are seeking information in relation to the killing and serious injury to two pedigree English Pointers in the Mason Street area of Claremont.
Car crash, Beaconsfield
At 10.12 am this morning (5 September 2012), a Toyota Camry crashed into the reception area of the West Tamar Health and Community Services Centre at Bolton Street, Beaconsfield. The driver, an elderly lady in her late seventies was attempting to manoeuvre in the car park, when she accidently pressed the vehicle’s accelerator, causing the…
Suspicious Structure Fire, New Norfolk
At approximately 11:40pm on Tuesday 4th September 2012, a structure fire occurred at Les Walkden Enterprises which is situated at 69 Hamilton Road, New Norfolk. The office and dining area was entered and multiple fires were started. It appears some sort of flammable liquid was used in the incident. The cause of the fire is…
Firearms and drugs seized in Ravenswood
Launceston Criminal Investigation Branch and Drug Squad detectives searched a property in Wildor Crescent and located a number of firearms, drugs and stolen property.
Crime Scene declared
Police can confirm that a house on Madison Avenue, Brighton has been declared a crime scene in relation to the Ravenswood double murder investigation.
Tasmanian Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2005
The Review of the Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2005 has been completed and tabled in Parliament. The Review was completed by Quantum Consulting Australia Pty Ltd and examined the operation/effectiveness of the Act.
Damage to logging machinery
Detectives from Eastern CIB are currently investigating an incident whereby significant damage has been caused to excavators and a logging skidder.
Tyre Slashing East Devonport
Police are seeking assistance from members of the public in relation to a spate of tyre slashings in the East Devonport area.
Missing Person located
Missing woman Patricia MANNERS was found safe and well on Sunday night.