Graffiti charges – Launceston
Two 18-year-old Launceston men have been arrested and charged with injury to property, mark graffiti and criminal damage offences.
Man charged with robbery
At 12.05pm today a male has attended the Derwent Tavern, Bridgewater and assaulted a female staff member before stealing a quantity of cash. Than man was apprehended a short distance from the tavern and the cash was recovered.
Brooker Highway crash
About 7:40am this morning, police, ambulance and fire crews were called to a five vehicle accident on the Brooker Highway just north of the Risdon Road lights.
Dirt bikes stolen from South Arm
Police are seeking assistance from members of the public to identify the riders of two dirt bikes that were stolen from a property at South Arm on Wednesday 18th July, 2012.
Police investigate wire over bike track
Glenorchy Police are investigating an incident which occurred on the Glenorchy Bike Track, near the intersection with Riverway Road at approximately 7 pm last night.
Falling Crime Rates and the Destruction of Firearms
More than 100 firearms are crushed in Tasmania every month as Tasmania Police works to keep the community safe. The number of offences reported in Tasmania is continuing a downward trend, having halved in the ten years since 2001-02.
Livestock safety reminder
Livestock owners are being urged to ensure their stock can’t escape following a number of incidents involving animals being hit by cars on the open road in recent months.
House fire Ulverstone – man charged with arson
Police have charged a 33-year-old Ulverstone man with arson and common assault following a house fire at Ulverstone.
Update 2: Missing Person Kim Smith
The Westpac Police rescue helicopter is searching the coast as far east as Stony Head today supported by ground parties of SES volunteers and police.
UPDATE 3 – Scenic Hill Road dam advice
This morning an excavator is continuing earthworks at the site of the Scenic Hill Road dam at…