Operation Unification – Surrendered Firearms (Update) (19-June)
Operation Unification – Surrendered Firearms
Ammunition and 10 firearms were today surrendered at Launceston Police Station as part of a special gun amnesty for Operation Unification.
Operation Unification is a two-week national initiative to ‘get illegal guns off our streets’.
The guns will be destroyed in the coming weeks.
Senior Sergeant Craig Fox said:
“Getting these guns off the street is an excellent result.
“Launceston Police would like to thank those who surrendered them.
“Every firearm handed in is one that cannot now be targeted by thieves and cannot end up being used in crimes.
Anyone with information about illegal guns or gun crime is asked to report it.
Information can be reported anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or by contacting Tasmania Police on 131 444.