Operation Safe Arrival – Small mistakes cost lives
Police are calling on Tasmanians to pay attention and help them keep everyone safe on our roads this festive season, with Operation Safe Arrival launching this week.
“The goal is clear – let’s all make sure everyone gets where they’re going safely this holiday period,” said Assistant Commissioner Adrian Bodnar.
Operation Safe Arrival is running from Friday, 23 December to Tuesday, 3 January.
Police will be targeting known hotspots for unsafe road behaviour and will be patrolling main roads and highways, alternative routes out of towns and cities, targeting the back streets, rural roads, and entertainment districts.
“Last year we had two people killed and seven people seriously injured in crashes on Tasmanian roads during the festive season,” said Assistant Commissioner Bodnar.
“Keeping everyone safe on our roads is a mission for the whole community – not just police,” he said.
“We have a community evidence portal on our website, where members of the public can submit footage of dangerous driving incidents to us for investigation.”
“We’ve put together a clip of recent examples that demonstrate some very close calls, that could easily have turned into lives lost on Tasmanian roads.”
“We hope by sharing these examples we can help bring home our very simple message: if you’re out on the roads we need you to pay attention, buckle up, watch your speed, rest if you’re tired, and never drink drive.”
“Small mistakes cost lives.”