Operation Crossroads wrap

Operation Crossroads – State wide enforcement activities to date (total)

21/12/18 – 1/1/2019

State wide traffic enforcement activities 2018/19 2017/18
Random drug & alcohol tests to date 30911 38047
Motorists charged with drink driving offences to date 88 100
Oral Fluid Tests Conducted 173 140
Motorists who returned positive oral fluid tests to date 97 67
Infringement notices issued for speeding offences 1083 1496
Infringement notices issued for inattentive driving 122 133
Infringement notices issued for mobile phone use 72 65
Infringement notices issued for seat belt offences 80 118
Fatalities 5 0
Serious Crashes 10 8

Last night at midnight, saw the conclusion of Operation Crossroads for 2018/19.


Sadly, during the operation period, there were five reported fatalities on Tasmanian roads.


“Any fatality is one too many, but to have five during the festival season is devastating for the families and loved ones concerned,” said Acting Inspector Ian Mathewson.


“We implore drivers to slow down, and do the right thing on our roads so that everyone can get home to their loved ones safely.


“While the majority of motorists have listened to our messaging on the ‘fatal five’ and have adopted safe-driving practices, motorists are reminded that although Operation Crossroads has concluded, police will remain committed to enforcing and encouraging safe driving behaviour throughout 2019.”


So, as a matter of practice, every time you drive a motor vehicle, consider the ‘fatal five’:

  • Seatbelts – make sure you and your occupants are properly restrained;
  • Speeding – drive to the conditions and stay within the posted speed limit;
  • Alcohol/drugs and driving do not mix;
  • Distractions – stay alert and focus on the road ahead; and
  • Fatigue – if you are tired, safely pull off the road and rest.