Operation Crossroads Day 2– State wide enforcement activities



State wide traffic enforcement activities 2016 2015
Random drug & alcohol tests to date 5296 7795
Motorists charged with drink driving offences to date 19 22
Motorists who returned positive oral fluid tests to date 9 21
Total Infringement notices issued to date 327 563
Infringement notices issued for speeding offences 217 367
Infringement notices issued for inattentive driving 11 42
Infringement notices issued for mobile phone use 6 32
Infringement notices issued for seat belt offences 17 25


Fatal and Serious Crashes 2016 2015
Fatal Crashes 0 0
Serious Crashes 0 2


This is the second full day of operation Crossroads.


Tasmania Police continue to conduct high visibility and covert traffic operations in all areas around the state.


The road toll still remains at zero fatal and zero serious crashes which is extremely encouraging.  Tasmania Police are committed to maintaining this ‘zero’ statistic, but it’s not just our job.  It is also the responsibility of every person using our roads, whether it be in a vehicle, on a motorbike, on a pushbike or on foot.  It only takes one person making one bad decision to cause a tragedy on our roads.  We ask for your help here.


Although, in all areas offences are down, they are still being detected which indicates that some motorists are still making bad decisions.  If you are one of these people, our aim is also to catch you with the view of changing you driving behaviour.


For those that are travelling to more isolated areas of the state, expect to see police officers there as well.  Police conducted operations in conjunction with Parks and Wildlife Service at the Arthur River Conservation area on the state’s west coast  yesterday afternoon.


Tasmania Police ask each and every motorist to drive carefully and be continually aware of the ‘fatal 5’; the five biggest contributors to serious and fatal accidents on our roads, these being:



failure to wear seatbelts or helmets

Alcohol and Drugs


Driving whilst tired


Tasmania Police employs over 1200 sworn officers with new additions hitting the streets regularly. Not all of these are operational but of those that are most will have some involvement with operation crossroads over this Easter.  Be prepared to see police, and for those that are doing the wrong thing, be prepared to get caught.