Operation AUSTRANS

Heavy vehicle roadworthiness and driver behaviour are the focus of a road safety campaign by Tasmania Police this week.

Operation AUSTRANS is a national road safety operation aimed at the policing of heavy vehicles.   In Tasmania, the Operation is a partnership between the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources and Tasmania Police.

Jurisdictions across Australia are undertaking Operation AUSTRANS to enhance road safety by monitoring adherence to road and operational safety issues in the heavy vehicle road transport sector.

“While most drivers and operators take safety very seriously, this Operation is about education and raising safety awareness in the heavy vehicle transport industry,” said Acting Assistant Commissioner Glenn Frame .

The Operation targets speeding, checks of roadworthiness, vehicle load, drug and alcohol testing, and licensing and registration offences.   The Driving Hours Record, which is a fatigue management tool, will also be checked.

There will be a number of high visibility operations around the state over the coming days.