One Night Stand patrons praised for good behaviour

Police have praised patrons who attended the One Night Stand event in St Helens last night for their good behaviour.

Inspector Michael Johnston said that the vast majority of people who attended did the right thing by others – making sure everyone had a safe time.

“Police were happy with the behaviour of most people – especially considering the event was attended by well over 20,000 people,” he said.

“The queues were quite long at times, and we thank people for their patience and understanding.”

There were a small number of people who forgot to do the right thing:

  • one man will be charged with trafficking MDMA at the event
  • several minor drug seizures
  • one man was arrested for public order offences and bailed
  • more than 40 people were issued liquor infringement notices for alcohol related offences
  • more than 400 random breath tests on Sunday morning:
    • three people exceeded an alcohol reading of 0.05
    • one tested positive for drugs
    • one was a suspended driver.