Offenders charged with vehicle related offences in Kingston

Between the 8th and 9th June 2011, offenders visited the Kettering, Snug and Kingston areaswhere they committed a series of offences involving motor vehicles. During the early hours of Thursday 9th June 2011, two male suspects were apprehended by police in Kingston afterbeing identified in a stolen vehicle.

Uniform police and CIB detectives were subsequently tasked with investigating the spate of offences, which resulted in the two 18 year old males, being charged with the following matters:-

  • 20 counts of Motor Vehicle Burglary
  • 4 counts of Motor Vehicle Stealing
  • 1 count of Attempted Burglary
  • 2 counts of unlawfully Set Fire to Property
  • 5 counts of Stealing

The two men will appear at the Hobart Magistrates Court on 21st June 2011.

Tasmania Police
(03) 6230 2296