Northern suburbs college assault

Detectives are looking into what led to a fight involving three girls at a northern suburbs college on the outskirts of Hobart on 23 February 2016.


A 16 year old student has alleged she was attacked by two girls at the college and needed medical attention.  No weapons were used in the attack.


Today Detectives from Glenorchy CIB interviewed a 17 year old girl whom they allege punched the 16 year old girl in the fight and she will be proceeded against under the provisions of the Youth Justice Act.


A 22 year old woman has also been identified from video footage provided to police and is being sought by Detectives.


Detective Inspector Craig Joel of Glenorchy CIB said: “The three people involved in this fight were known to each other.  The attack was not a random one and the 17 year old girl and 22 year old woman were not students of the northern suburbs college where the fight occurred.”


“The fight occurred as consequence of a personal grievance between the three girls.”


Detective Inspector Joel said: “The woman should present herself at a police station so as to resolve the matter.”


Detective Inspector Joel said: “Police and school leaders are working with each other to provide counselling and other support to affected students and staff.”


Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.