Northern flood threat passing

This morning the Emergency Service and Tasmania Police advise that the flood threat in Northern Tasmania is passing.

"The South Esk at Longford peaked this morning at Longford at 6.00a.m at the 5.8  metre level," siad the SES Regional Manager North Mhairi Revie.

"The threat to Longford has now passed. However, there is certainly a lot of water around in that area, and waters are not expected to recede quickly at this early stage.

"Downstream of Longford, the South Esk is currently peaking over the Trevallyn spillway with flood predictions coming in within the range predicted by the Bureau of Meteorology. This is good news for residents of Invermay, who as predicted earlier by the State Emergency Service and Tasmania Police, will not be required to evacuate, Ms Revie said.

A spokesperson from the Launceston City Council this morning said, "The delayed peak was in our favour, allowing it to coincide with a tide lower than yesterday had the peak occurred sooner"

Members of the public, are advised to maintain common sense and not drive through or enter flooded waters and to obey traffic and warning signs.  Anyone seeking further information should ring the SES hotline on 1800 049 508.  This number will be manned until 12.00 midday Saturday 20/8/2011.