Newest Constables graduate and join Tasmania Police today
Recruit Course 2/2019 graduates from the Police Academy today with 22 new Constables joining the ranks of Tasmania Police.
“Graduating from the Police Academy today are our newest group of Constables who are ready to put their training into action,” said Inspector Kathy Bennett, officer in charge of Recruit Training Services.
“It is really exciting to welcome our newest Constables who are graduating from Recruit Course 2/2019 – our most diverse recruit course to date including members born overseas and members who identify as aboriginal.
“Coming from a range of diverse backgrounds, ages and experiences, the 11 men and 11 women have worked exceptionally hard to complete a rigorous 28-week training course at the Police Academy, and three weeks of practical experience in various stations.
“I congratulate each of today’s graduates on their achievement, including Constable Jennifer Whitty who achieved the award of Dux, and Constable William Butler who achieved the award of runner-up Dux,” said Inspector Bennett.
Of the 22 new Constables, 9 will be stationed at Hobart; 5 at Launceston, 6 at Burnie and 2 at Devonport.
“On behalf of Tasmania Police I welcome our newest Constables as they are inducted into our ranks today,” said Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine.
“Graduating from the Police Academy is a milestone in the career of every police officer, and I hope each of our newest members are commencing what will be an enjoyable, long and fulfilling career,” said Commissioner Hine.