New technology for marine police

Marine Police have new technology on board in preparation for the opening of the recreational rock lobster season this weekend.

The Department of Police and Emergency Management (DPEM) and the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and the Environment (DPIPWE) have collaborated to provide mobile data devices to assist in marine policing.

With the technology on board, marine police can perform immediate checks such as fishing and boat licence checks, and access police data in a mobile environment. Previously, police made contact with Radio Dispatch Services for the information. Police will also be able to provide up to date fisheries and boating advice to fishermen and recreational boaters.

The devices have applications such GPS and marine navigation charts, and also applications written for Tasmania Police to provide access to internal criminal history checks.

The devices have been deployed to all areas of the state and will be prominent at the opening of the recreational rock lobster fishing season which starts on 6 November 2010.


Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296