New taskforce to address LGBTI issues

Pride, Resilience and Diversity are common themes at the launch of the Be Proud Tasmania report today.

In response to the report’s recommendations, the Department of Police and Emergency Management will establish a Strategic Working Group to address lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) issues. 

The working group, initially chaired by the Commissioner, will assist DPEM with identifying emerging trends and issues impacting upon LGBTI, community and police relations. 

In addition to the existing 9 Police LGBTI liaison officers, the Champions for Change training package will be delivered to all police officers across the state this year.  This training package is designed to create a greater understanding and cultural awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people within Tasmania Police to continue to develop strategies for eliminating prejudice and discrimination within the community. 

“It is not OK that 57% of respondents reported feeling vulnerable to violence or harassment from strangers,” said Darren Hine, Commissioner of Police.

“I am committed to contributing towards reshaping values and creating meaningful partnerships through trust, understanding, shared knowledge and effective community engagement to maintain safety and security in our communities,” he said.

“We want to serve and engage with the people that make up our community in an inclusive and credible manner, and to do that we need to listen and respond to those communities.”
Membership of the Strategic Working Group will be on invitation from the Commissioner of Police on the basis of expertise and experience in relevant fields.
“I am confident we can provide a catalyst to harness goodwill, expertise and commitment to improved community safety and quality of life,” he said.