New Tablet Computer Rollout for Tasmania Police
Tasmania Police will remain at the forefront of mobile technology with a new rollout of tablet computers.
The new tablet computers are being rolled out across the frontline to assist officers with their duties on the road. The Dell tablets replace the first generation tablet computers which were deployed across the frontline from 2013.
Tasmania Police are the most connected in the nation; the new device is as powerful as a desktop computer with 8GB RAM and the capability to operate all police applications efficiently and effectively.
The device operates on the 4G network, with a backlit keyboard enabling officers to effectively use the device in the dark.
Officers use the mobile devices to undertake their duties without returning to the office. One example is the capability for officers to quickly complete a crash report at the scene, or take a statement from a victim or witness without returning to the station.
The mobile capability across the agency is expanding; Marine police will be issued with the tablets for the first time, allowing them to submit Fisheries Infringement Notices via an app.
Dell tablet computers and work stations (monitor, tablet dock, keyboard and mouse) have been deployed to Tasmania Police over the last two months.