New sanctions framework being developed

A Devonport police officer has been charged with exceeding 0.05 and driving without due care and attention.

The officer is due to appear in court later this month.

As the matter is before the courts, there will be no further comment about this particular incident at this stage.

Another officer has recently been charged with drink driving. The Hobart-based off-duty police officer was intercepted for a random breath test late last month and recorded a reading of 0.096. He was on his way home from a private function.

The officer was issued with an infringement notice for the offence, which is normal practice for a reading of that level. He has paid a $260 fine and will be disqualified from driving for three months. He will also be subject to internal disciplinary action.

“Any police officer who is caught drink driving will not only suffer the penalty that the court or legislation imposes but also internal disciplinary action,” said the Acting Deputy Commissioner Scott Tilyard.

“We take these issues extremely seriously. Our Professional Standards area has been tasked with developing an indicative sanction framework which is designed to clearly indicate to our members the likely disciplinary action that will be taken in the event they commit a drink or drug driving offence,” Mr Tilyard said.

“Members who are caught with a very high reading or are repeat offenders are likely to face termination of their employment.

“The framework will be developed in consultation with the Police Association of Tasmania,” Mr Tilyard said.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296