New recruits inducted today

Today marks the beginning of a life-changing journey for Tasmania Police’s newest recruits.

Twenty-five recruits, aged between 19 and 51, are about to begin the challenging but rewarding 28-week training course to become police officers.  It’s the first recruiting course to be run since 2011.

“We’ve had an incredible response with more than 900 applications received for this course,” said Police Commissioner Darren Hine.

“Our newest recruits come from a broad range of backgrounds and occupations and bring with them many unique life skills and experiences which will stand them in good stead for their new careers as police officers and serving the Tasmanian community,” said Mr Hine.

The course is made up of nine women and 16 men. Some of the careers previously held by the recruits include motivational speaker, sales representatives, statistician, labourer, nurse, and a former Olympic cycling gold medalist.

Developed in partnership with the University of Tasmania, the recruiting course provides a pathway for the trainees to obtain a tertiary qualification following graduation.

All recruits have been through a tough selection process to determine their suitability for a career in policing, including integrity checks, physical tests and tests of their problem solving and conflict resolution skills

Modules undertaken over the 28 weeks will include law, conflict resolution and training around specific policing areas such as road policing, investigations and operational skills. All will be delivered through lectures, case studies, practical scenario-based training and out in the field. There will also be early morning physical training sessions every day of the week.

In a first for training in Tasmania, all recruits will receive their own personal-issue tablet computer for use throughout the course.

“The issue of tablets is a modernised approach to learning and is part of our Support to the Frontline, which aims to give frontline officers access to more contemporary systems,” said Mr Hine.

The recruits will graduate on 28 February 2014, with recruits to be stationed around the State.

As part of today’s ceremony, the Commissioner will also induct four recruits as part of the recently re-introduced Fast Track training program.   The Fast Track program provides an accelerated learning pathway based on the recruit training curriculum but tailored according to the applicants’ previous policing experience. 

While the four officers being inducted today are all former Tasmania Police Service members, there has also been considerable interest in the program from interstate police services.  Further intakes for the Fast Track program are scheduled to occur over the next 12 months.

A second recruit course is due to start in October 2013.