New Recruit Course inducted

New Recruit course 1/2015 inducted

Tasmania Police welcomed 22 new recruits to the ranks in a ceremony at the Police Academy yesterday.

Twenty-two successful applicants were inducted and began their recruit training.

Among the 20 who will complete the full 28 weeks training at the Academy are;  Carmen Duthoit, a Spanish speaking Forensic Biologist and Samuel Storer, Chief Ranger from the Alligator District in Kakadu National Park.

Five recruits have Defence Forces training with four previously serving with the Royal Australian Navy and one serving in Army Reserves. A further two are volunteer fire-fighters with local brigades.

Two are former officers who served interstate.  Aiden Parkinson, who served in Western Australia Police, and Glenn Dawson who served in South Australia Police, will complete an accelerated training program and graduate out of session.

“The varied talents and interests of course 1/2015 shows a career in policing appeals to a wide variety of people from across the community,” said Commissioner Darren Hine.

“The skills and life experience these new recruits bring to the course will enhance their training and ultimately shape their day-to-day encounters on the beat,” said Mr Hine.

“There are rarely two days in policing that are the same and we train our constables to adapt to changing circumstances and situations and to adapt their skill sets to suit.

“We look forward to hearing of their recruit journeys and seeing them graduate in November, in time for the busy summer season,” he said.


Recruit Course 1-2015 + DLH and course directors Rod Stacey and Anna Lang