New procedure for attending alarms

In line with the ‘Support to the Frontline Strategy’ announced earlier this year, Tasmania Police will implement a new alarm attendance procedure as of 2 August  2013.

The new procedure will reduce police attendance at alarms, affording more time to respond to core business activities.

Statistics from the first six months of the 2013 calendar year reveal that on average, Tasmania Police attend 120 alarms a week.  An analysis of the alarms shows that 90% of these did not require any further police action other than attendance, diverting police from core activities.

The new procedures will see police attending alarms when a security company or business key-holder is responding and a request is made or where there is information that an offence has been or is being committed. 

Police will no longer attend alarms where security companies or business key-holders holders are unavailable or unwilling to attend, if there is no information of any offence that has or is being committed.

Hold-up, duress and all medical alarms will always be treated as genuine until determined otherwise.