New forensic equipment

The latest technologies now available at Tasmania’s forensic science laboratory are proving valuable in assisting Tasmania Police in the investigation of crime.

Forensic Science Service Tasmania (FSST) provides a comprehensive range of forensic services including DNA profiling and a DNA database, testing for drugs and alcohol in blood, and analysis of paint, explosives, and other chemicals.

The State Government has provided $1.5 million over three years for new and replacement equipment at the FSST laboratories.

“The new technology for analysing evidence collected from crime scenes will improve the forensic services provided to Tasmania Police and the criminal justice system,” said the Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine.

The laboratory now boasts equipment that will more accurately detect human DNA levels in forensic samples and identify evidence that has useful levels of DNA.  

“This will streamline the DNA profiling process further, allowing better targeting of forensic evidence likely to have DNA left behind by offenders,” said Mr Hine.

Crash investigation will also benefit from a new infra red microscope which identifies the chemical makeup of substances including paint.  It can match a paint sample left after a traffic crash back to the car of origin.  The microscope can also identify explosives, polymers, drugs and fibres and other substances by their chemical fingerprint. 

“Police investigations are reliant on a modern forensic science service to provide accurate forensic information about crime scenes,” said the Minister for Police and Emergency Management, David O’Byrne.

“The new sophisticated instruments allow Forensic Science Service Tasmania to keep pace with the rapid advances in forensic technology,” said Mr O’Byrne.

“The government is committed to improving public safety, and the additional forensic science funding will further assist investigators identify offenders and bring them before the courts.”

Forensic Science Service Tasmania provides a comprehensive range of independent forensic biology and forensic chemistry services to clients including Tasmania Police, the Office of the DPP, defence lawyers and coroners.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296