New Devonport Station Complex

The new state-of-the-art Devonport Police Station complex has opened its doors to the community.

“The new Devonport Police Station provides a modern well-equipped workplace from which Police and the State Emergency Service can provide quality services to the community,” said Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine. 

The modern policing facility comprises four buildings; three are newly constructed and the former Devonport City Council “Imaginarium Building” has been refurbished.

“These integrated facilities, design and artworks all combine to make an impressive building for the 24 hour station and between 80 and 90 personnel who will work from here,” he said.

The complex will house a main police station building where Uniform, CIB, Prosecution, Drug and Divisional administration services will be located.  It will also include a major incident room, conference room, charge rooms and custody suites. 

The refurbished “Imaginarium Building” will provide a space for modern forensic facilities, an indoor vehicle examination bay, integrated SES training facilities and offices, and secure specialist storage facilities 

The Minister for Police and Emergency Management Minister, David O’Byrne, said the Tasmanian Government’s committed to providing facilities that meet the needs of contemporary policing and local communities.

“Good effective policing involves many things – including strong training, quality equipment, and efficient facilities,” Mr O’Byrne said. 

“We’re providing $4.5 million to fund new police recruitment in the State Budget, so it’s important to ensure facilities are large and adaptable enough, as well as efficient into the future. 

The Devonport complex will ensure that Tasmania Police have the facilities they need to do their work, which ultimately maintains Tasmania as one of the safest communities in the country. 

The build has followed ecologically sustainable design initiatives wherever possible endeavouring to reduce the Department’s carbon footprint.

Tasmanian small business has played a huge part in the new complex, with local companies being awarded the contracts for construction, furniture and fittings, and artworks.  The build contract was awarded to Mead Constructions “Mead Con” of Spreyton and works commenced in April last year. 

The total budget for the new complex was $6.235M.