Mountain bike rider rescued from kunanyi/Mt Wellington

The Westpac Rescue Helicopter rescued a 50 year old St Helens man who became lost while mountain biking on kunanyi / Mount Wellington late yesterday afternoon.
The man contacted police around 5:00pm yesterday and was able to provide his approximate location via GPS on his mobile phone.

Police responded and it was decided to dispatch the Westpac Rescue Helicopter due to weather conditions and to avoid the man’s condition worsening.

The Westpac Rescue Helicopter located the man and winched him to safety a short time later.

The man was taken to the Royal Hobart Hospital suffering from hypothermia.

Police would like to remind and encourage bushwalkers and mountain bike riders, especially those travelling solo or visitors to the state, to carry personal location beacons which assist rescuers to locate lost persons as quickly as possible.   Bushwalkers and mountain bike riders should ensure they are dressed appropriately as weather conditions are subject to rapid and unpredictable change.