Motorists urged to slow down in school zones

With Term One holidays almost over, ‘school run’ traffic is set to resume which will see our roads get busier.


Acting Sergeant Ann Edge said that when schools return on Tuesday 26 April next week, you can expect to see school bus services back on the roads as well as more cars doing dropping off and picking up students.


“Most of these journeys occur during peak times, which means traffic congestion will increase and trips may take longer” Acting Sgt Edge said.


It’s also a good time to remind both drivers and pedestrians of some road safety tips around schools.


  • Flashing lights on school buses mean the bus has stopped to pick up or drop off students. The law requires that you slow to 40km/h within 50 metres;


  • Supervise young children while they wait at bus stops and cross over roads;
  • Wherever possible pedestrians should cross at designated crossings;
  • Slow down and obey all traffic speed signs and stop for crossing guards;
  • Obey all parking laws in school zones.


Acting Sgt Edge said that after two weeks of school holidays, drivers are reminded that school zone speed reductions will be back in operation from Tuesday.


“Safety is our number one priority and that’s why Tasmania Police will be conducting speed checks across school zones State-wide,” Acting Sgt Edge said.


“We will also be giving attention to and ensuring that drivers comply with parking restrictions in and around school zones.  It’s important that drivers ensure that children and traffic have safe access to come and go and where ever possible supervise children crossing roads and always use designated crossing areas.”