Motorists reminded to drive safe over Easter holiday period

Tasmanian motorists are being reminded that Tasmania Police could be anywhere this Easter.


Tasmania Police officers are asking drivers to keep the ‘Fatal Five’ in mind when they’re driving during this Easter period.


Tasmania Police will once again be conducting Operation Crossroads this Easter – from Thursday 29 March until Tuesday 3 April (inclusive).


Our message is to:

  • Slow down and drive to the conditions
  • Pay attention all the time
  • Don’t drive while tired
  • Wear your seatbelt or helmet
  • Don’t drive after drinking or if you’ve taken drugs – it’s not just your life at risk.


The Road Safety Advisory Council’s catchy campaign, We’ve Been Everywhere, will be broadcast– aiming to encourage safe road use by promoting the high possibility of being caught if driving unsafely.


“We want everyone to get home safely and to ensure that, we have to make sure everyone use the roads safely – remember Tasmania Police could be anywhere this Easter,” Commander Jonathan Higgins said.


Around the state, Tasmania Police will be using targeted known hotspots for drink drivers and drug drivers.


“Police will be patrolling alternative routes out of towns and cities, targeting the back streets, rural roads and entertainment districts,” said Commander Higgins.

“And remember that you could still be over the limit even if you’ve had a few hours’ sleep.  Picking up your car too early in the day could mean you’re still affected by alcohol.”


“If you’re not paying attention, or driving while tired, affected by alcohol or drugs, or speeding – you may be involved in a serious crash.


“Don’t ruin your Easter break with a decision to drive when you shouldn’t, or drive in a way that puts you, your family or others at risk.”