Motor vehicle burglaries – Burnie

There have been nine incidents of motor vehicle burglary over the past two weeks in areas of South Burnie, Wivenhoe and Upper Burnie.

Detective Inspector Adrian Shadbolt said the number was unusually high for Burnie, with only two incidents reported for the same period last year.

“Most concerning and despite previous security advice through the media, is the fact that in 95% of those incidents, the targeted vehicle has been unsecured,” he said. “It is apparent from this figure that the incidents have largely been opportunistic.

“Property stolen has included small and portable items including sports gear, cash, clothing, small portable electronic equipment (I-pod and GPS) and compact discs,” Detective Inspector Shadbolt said.

The message from Tasmania Police in relation to vehicle security when unattended remains the same:

  • Apply commonsense – lock doors and windows and park in well-lit areas where possible
  • Do not leave valuable items in a motor vehicle
  • Consider installing/using visible warning devices such as a vehicle alarm
  • Install security sensor lights in areas around homes where vehicles are parked, and
  • Report suspicious behaviour.

“Our patrols will continue to target the geographical areas of concern wherever motor vehicle burglaries may be occurring in the Western District and we will continue to issue conditional cautions to drivers of motor vehicles left unsecured on public streets,” Detective Inspector Shadbolt said.

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